
Tag: Golf Tips

How Launch Angle Affects a Golf Shot - Secret Weapon to your Game
Brion Holloway

How Launch Angle Affects a Golf Shot: The Secret Weapon to your Game

Welcome Golfers! Ever wondered why some shots soar high and others stay low? It’s not just about power; it’s about the launch angle. This refers to the initial trajectory the ball takes off the clubface, which can make or break your game. Golf isn’t just a sport; it’s a science. Every swing you make, every

Beginner Golf Clubs - find your perfect golf set
Frank Coffman

Beginner Golf Clubs: How to Choose Your First Set – Step-by-Step Guide

Embarking on the journey of golf can be both exhilarating and daunting. As I first stood on the edge of the green, gazing at the vast expanse before me, I realized that the world of golf is more than just a game; it’s an art, a discipline, and a continuous learning experience. One of the

Angle of Attack in GOLF - the more you know
Frank Coffman

Angle of Attack in Golf: Steep, Shallow & Tips to Improve

During one of my early golf lessons, I was paired with an elderly gentleman named Mr. Thompson. As we approached the 7th hole, a challenging par 3, I confidently selected my club, ready to impress. To my dismay, my shot barely cleared the water, landing in the bunker. Mr. Thompson, with a knowing smile, took

Strong vs. Weak Grip - tips
Frank Coffman

Strong vs. Weak Grip: How it Impacts Your Golf Swing

Golf, for me, has always been a blend of art and science, and at the heart of that delicate balance lies the grip. It’s fascinating how something that seems so fundamental can have such a profound impact on our game.  I remember when I first picked up a club, completely oblivious to the terms “strong”